The Division of Employment Services exists
to help individuals with disabilities recognize the economic benefits of long-term competitive employment. We provide services
to match each individual's career interest as well as their physical, cognitive and emotional abilities in order for the individual
to gain independence and self-sufficiency.
We are currently serving customers in
Imperial and Yuma Counties for the
Department of Rehabilitation
and the
Department of Economic Security
Rehabilitation Services Administration at
two locations in El Centro,
and Yuma, Arizona.
Services provided include
Situational Assessment
Work Adjustment Training
Employment Services:
Job Preparation/Job Development
Job Placement
90-Day Retention
Supported Employment.
Primary contact:
Elizabeth Berry
Director of Employment Services
(928) 782-9544 X11
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Yuma WORC Center, Inc. Corporate Office
256 S 2nd Avenue Suite A Yuma, AZ 85364 This location is handicap accessible